After weeks of meetings and a 4-1 vote, Amendment 4 — the Right to Abortion initiative — will now include a controversial financial disclosure statement. If approved by at least 60% of voters, the amendment would affirm a woman’s right to an abortion before fetal viability (around 24 weeks) or when necessary to protect her health. After much debate, the required financial disclosure statement includes estimates of potential future litigation and possible costs to Medicare, something that could influence voters at the polls.
- Dr. Nancy Staats, vice president of the Jacksonville National Organization for Women.
- Daniel Cronrath, political science professor at Florida State College at Jacksonville.
Then, as part of our continuing primary election coverage, we focus on the race for Duval County School Board District 1, which serves Arlington, Fort Caroline, Heckscher and Timucuan Preserve.
- Tony Ricardo, Duval School Board candidate District 1. (Nadine Ebri, Ricardo's opponent, recently appeared on First Coast Connect.)
Plus, Rethreaded, a nonprofit benefiting human trafficking survivors, celebrates its 13th anniversary with a new product line — toffee!
- Kristen Keen, founder and CEO of Rethreaded.