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First Coast Connect

Ask the mayor

City of Jacksonville

Jacksonville’s mayor begins bearing down on budget season and throws her support behind a garbage fee hike. We ask her about the latest city news and take your calls and questions on our monthly Ask the Mayor segment. Call (904) 549-2937 or email


  • Jacksonville Mayor Donna Deegan.

Then, giving voice to victims of the Holocaust. First Coast Connect Producer Stacey Bennett speaks with the co-founder of Violins of Hope ahead of a local display and performance of the hallowed instruments.


And, would you choose pain over boredom? Are you still you when you dream? Those are among the questions visitors can explore at a new traveling exhibit at the Museum of Science & History. Created by the Ontario Brain Institute, Mindworks offers an immersive trip into the “whys” behind the ways people think, act and feel.


Dr. Anthony Mortimer, vice president of education and exhibits at MOSH.

Stay Connected
Anne Schindler joined WJCT News 89.9 as host of First Coast Connect in October 2023, after nearly three decades in Jacksonville print and television. Anne has worked in the Jacksonville media market since 1995, first as a reporter for the original Folio Weekly, then as the publication’s editor-in-chief from 2002 until her departure. In 2012, Anne transitioned to television as executive producer of special projects for First Coast News, Northeast Florida’s NBC and ABC affiliates. You can reach Anne at