Dr. Joseph Sirven, a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, which will have a COVID-19 test that was developed at the hospital’s Rochester Campus available in April, joined us to take a look at all of the latest coronavirus news.
He also answered listener’s questions on the subject.
Social Media And Elections
Amid fears of the spreading coronavirus, the two leading Democratic candidates for president took to the debate stage Sunday night. Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders both shared their plans on how to deal with the virus, among a host of other issues.
The Florida presidential primary is set for tomorrow and will go on as scheduled. So how are the candidates employing social media to boost their campaigns? Social media strategist Nadia Policard is looking at that, and joined us with more.
Cole Pepper
Cole Pepper joined us with a closer look at the Jaguars. The team has an agreement to trade Calais Campbell to the Baltimore Ravens for a 5th round pick in this year's draft. He also discussed sports that have been cancelled, due to the coronavirus.
Heather Schatz can be reached at hschatz@wjct.org, 904-358-6334 or on Twitter at @heatherschatz.