The parents of the Oxford High School shooter, Ethan Crumbly, have ties to Jacksonville. James and Jennifer Crumbley, the parents of 15-year-old school shooter Ethan Crumbley, were each charged Friday with four counts of involuntary manslaughter related to the shooting deaths of four students. The couple used to live and work here and were arrested in Jacksonville years ago.
Gun reform advocates submitted public comment at Tuesday's Duval County Public School board meeting to ask for gun safety resolutions.
Guest: Katie Hathaway, who leads the local chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.
Build Back Better
The passage of the Build Back Better Act is expected to bring more clean energy jobs to Florida.
Guest: Zach Amittay, Southeast advocate for E2 Environmental Entrepreneurs.
Yoga 4 Change
In 2019, the local nonprofit Yoga 4 Change received funding from the Florida Blue Foundation. They used it to conduct a three-year study of the effect Yoga 4 Change programming has on people recovering from substance use disorder and impacted by the opioid epidemic. The research allowed the organization to expand into three Florida regions that led to the creation of the Yoga 4 Recovery curriculum.
Guest: Michelle LeClair, Yoga 4 Change’s executive director.
Revitalizing Jacksonville
As talks of revitalizing downtown Jacksonville continue, local activist Jack Meeks is advocating for Jacksonville’s suburbs to receive revitalization funds.
Guest: Jack Meeks, local activist.