A group called Save Southern Heritage is asking the Jacksonville City Council to put the question of whether to remove Confederate monuments up for a…
A day after Jacksonville’s City Council President called for removing Confederate monuments, Mayor Lenny Curry said white supremacists are already talking…
A Jacksonville woman faces up to five years in prison after she admitted to an incident involving a Confederate flag at her workplace.Fifty-eight-year-old…
Lawmakers took a step toward removing the Confederate battle flag from the Senate's official seal Thursday, as a committee unanimously voted to establish…
State senators are scheduled next week to begin considering whether to keep the Confederate flag on the Senate's official seal, another sign of a growing…
Southern governments at the state and local level have been reassessing the confederate battle flag. Tuesday Walton County took a middle path,...
The debate over flying the Confederate Battle Flag on government property might stem from last month’s shooting in Charleston, South Carolina; but the...
Never a group content to abandon lost causes, the Sons of the Confederate Veterans continues to push for soldiers who fought for the South in the Civil…
The ceremony was emotional and it marked the end of an era for South Carolina.
After last month's shooting at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, there has been a national outcry to take down the Confederate flag…